
Carr, S.C., Parker, J., Arrowsmith, J., Haar, J. and Jones, H. (2017). Humanistic Management and Living Wages: A Case of Compelling Connections? Humanistic Management Journal, 1, 1-22, DOI:10.1007/s41463-016-0018-y.

Carr, S.C., et al. (2018) How can wages sustain a living? By getting ahead of the curve. Sustainability Science, DOI: org/10.1007/s11625-018-0560-7

Carr., S.C., O’Neill Berry, M., Scott, J.C., & Hodgetts, D. (2019). Living wage research is alive and kicking-and not just about subsistence. A rejoinder to Reburn et al. DOI:

Haar, J., Carr, S.C., Arrowsmith, J., Parker, J., Hodgetts, D., & Alefaio-Tugia S. (2018). Escape from working poverty: Steps toward sustainable livelihood. Sustainability, 10(11), doi:10.3390/su10114144

Hu, Y., & Carr, S. (2020).Living wages across the Pacific Rim: A localised replication study from China. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 14. DOI:

Maleka, M.J., Rugimbana, R., Carr, S.C., Meyer, I., Parker, J. and Barry, M.-L. (2018). Reflections on a Study Conducted in New Zealand and South Africa to Ascertain the Extent to Which Living Wages Are a Panacea for a Quality Life for Low-Income Workers. Sage Research Methods Cases Part 2. DOI:

Searle, R.H. & McWha-Hermann, I. (2020). “Money’s too tight (to mention)”: A review and psychological synthesis of living wage research. European Journal of Work and Orgainzational Psychology. DOI:

Yao, C., Parker, J., Arrowsmith, J. & Carr, S.C. (2017). The living wage as an income range for decent work and life. Employee Relations, 39(6): 875-887.

Yoelao, D., Sombatwattana, P., & Mohan, K. P. (2021). Development and validation of the sufficiency living wage scale for workers in Thailand. Thailand and The World Economy 39(1):23-38. DOI:


Carr, S.C., Hopner, V., Hodgetts, D.J. & Young, M. (Eds.). (2024). Tackling Precarious Work. Towards Sustainable Livelihoods. (1st ed.). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis.

Di Fabio, A. & Cooper, C.L. (Eds.). (2024). Psychology of Sustainability and Sustainable Development in Organizations. (1st ed.). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis.

Carr, S. C. (2018). How can living wages save our generation for a better world?  In G.J.R Rich, A. Padilla-López, L.K. de Souza, L. Zinkiewicz, J. Taylor, & J.L.S.B. Jaafar (Eds.), Teaching psychology around the world – vol. 4 (pp. 400-6).  Newcastle, UK:  Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Carr, S. C. (2018).  Standing up for Sustainable Livelihoods: From poverty to prosperity.  In D. Hodgetts & K. O’Doherty (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Social Psychology (pp. 297-320). London: Sage.

Carr, S. C., Parker, J., Arrowsmith, J., Yao, C., & Haar, J. (2018).  The Living Wage in New Zealand and its implications for Human Resource Management and Employment Relations.  In J. Parker & M. Baird (Eds.), The big issues in employment (pp. 95-107). Christchurch, NZ:  Wolters Kluwer.

Carr, S.C., Parker, J., Arrowsmith, J., Haar, J. & Yao, C. (2018). The Living Wage: the NZ case. In J. Parker (ed.) The Big Issues in Employment: HRM and Employment Relations in Australasia. Auckland: CCH.

Carr, S.C., Parker, J., Arrowsmith, J. & Yao. C. (2017). From Living Wages to Sustainable Livelihood: What can applied psychology offer? In C. Van Ommen et al.(eds). On shaky ground: Precariat lives in Aotearoa New Zealand, Auckland: Massey University Press (in press). [This book has been selected as one of the 150 non-fiction book sin Te Takarangi: Celebrating Maori publications, a partnership between Royal Society Te Aparangi and Nga Pae o te Maramatanga].

Yoelao, D., Mohan, K., Teng-Calleja, M., Clemente, J., Maleka, M., Meyer, I., Ames, H., Young-Hauser, A., Carr, S. & Hodgetts, D. (2020). International perspectives on living wages for sustainable livelihoods: Project Glow (Global Living Organisational Wage). In Filho. W, Azul. A, Brandli. L, Salvia. A & Wall. T (Eds.), Decent work and economic growth (pp.620-629). Encyclopedia of the UN sustainable development goals.

Conferences and colloquia

Colloquium: Is a Living Wage bad for the economy?
10th June 2017; University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.
Contributing to the Implementation of SDG 8 of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda by promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Programme, summary and presentations are available as PDF files from the CSEND website.