Collaborating Researchers of Project GLOW
Project GLOW is driven and guided by our global community, and is a long-term, 50 year project. At the end of 2019, GLOW has over 120 members from 26 countries. The administration will rotate every three years, currently it is undertaken by a team in New Zealand.
The map below lists current collaborators in Project GLOW.
A research group identified as End Poverty and Inequality Cluster (EPIC) exists within the School of Psychology at Massey University and is the nominal site of this collaborative research project. It is closely supported in this project by Massey University’s MPOWER unit (Massey People, Organization, Work and Employment Relations) and the Global Organization for Humanitarian Work Psychology (GoHWP).

Stuart C. Carr is Professor of Psychology, Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology Program, Massey University, New Zealand. Stuart co-facilitates EPIC, which includes a focus on transitions from precarious labor to decent work and living wages. Intersecting with EPIC is Project GLOW, a multi-country, multi-generational, interdisciplinary study of the links between decent wages (in purchasing power parity), and sustainable livelihoods for the eradication of poverty – the primary UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG1).
Stuart’s professional focus is Humanitarian Work Psychology, which has included a Global Task Force for Humanitarian Work Psychology, promoting Decent Work aligned with local stakeholder needs, in partnership with global development agencies. He was a lead investigator on Project ADDUP, a multi-country DFID/ESRC-funded study of pay and remuneration diversity between national and international labor in developing economies.
Stuart is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), and the New Zealand Psychological Society (NZPS). He is the coordinating Principal Investigator for a RSNZ Marsden Grant awarded to the New Zealand hubs in GLOW (2018). He is a previous Editor of the Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, and presently Edits International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, which supports the SDGs.
Join Us
If you wish to be subscribed to the Project GLOW email list or want to be more involved in the project’s research activities, please complete the online form and register your interest.
Collaborating researchers are encouraged to share their publications, grant success and news items regarding Living Wage developments with the worldwide community. If you would like to join the international collaboration of researchers in this applied research project on the topic of a global living organisational wage, please use this online form to lodge information on your publications, grants or other news items for publication on these web pages.
Professor Stuart C. Carr can be contacted directly for more information if required.