
Banking NZ to become Living Wage employers

The banking sector becomes New Zealand’s first fully living wage accredited industry, as announced by Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Andrew Little on Monday 27 July 2020. As a result, incomes of almost 1,800 people will be improved.

“The living wage is currently $21.15 per hour, and will increase to $22.10 per hour on September 1 2020. It is set by an independent group, the Family Centre Social Policy Research Unit, based on the assessed needs of a family of two adults (one working 40 hours per week, and one working 20 hours per week) and two children” – 1 NEWS; Stuff NZ

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Reflecting on the plight of migrant workers and COVID-19 in India (part 2)

This two-part blog from the GLOW Hub in India which is currently undertaking a project that examines private sector contribution to the SDGs[1] in India, reflects on the ongoing coronavirus crisis and the situation of migrant labour in India. The first part of the blog draw attention to the everyday challenges brought upon by the lockdown in the lives of migrant workers, while the second part reflects on what these challenges mean, significance of the idea of Living Wage and the role activists and research(ers) can play.

Humanising Work(ers) in Supply Chains

Authored by Divya Jyoti and Bimal Arora, Aston University, UK

Continue reading Reflecting on the plight of migrant workers and COVID-19 in India (part 2)

Reflecting on the plight of migrant workers and COVID-19 in India (part 1)

This two-part blog from the GLOW Hub in India which is currently undertaking a project that examines private sector contribution to the SDGs[1] in India, reflects on the ongoing coronavirus crisis and the situation of migrant labour in India. The first part of the blog draw attention to the everyday challenges brought upon by the lockdown in the lives of migrant workers, while the second part reflects on what these challenges mean, significance of the idea of Living Wage and the role activists and research(ers) can play.

COVID Lockdown and the Migrant Labour Crisis in India

Authored by Ramanuj Mitra and Devyani Hari, Centre for Responsible Business (CRB), India

Continue reading Reflecting on the plight of migrant workers and COVID-19 in India (part 1)

The Subjective Experience of Work-Related Precariousness: Why it Matters

Authored by Anna Kallschmidt on behalf of Dr. Christian Seubert and Dr. Lisa Hopfgartner

With the dawn of information and communication technologies (ICT) came a plethora of never-before-seen phenomena: Mobile Internet, Lyft, selfies, dating apps, and – worst of all – an unnecessary number of blogs.

ICT has also drastically changed the world of work, shifting “normal” employment to “atypical”. Continue reading The Subjective Experience of Work-Related Precariousness: Why it Matters

Can a Living Wage Improve Production?

Authored by Anna Kallschmidt

Some international clothing brands such as H&M, Continental Clothing and Mini Rodini have committed to paying workers a living wage. While the companies plan to expand their mission, critics argue that there are many barriers preventing organizations from implementing livable wages for supplier factories’ employees in developing countries. These obstacles include increasing the cost of products for customers, decreasing rates of employment, and increasing the replacement of workers with automation.

This dilemma is especially salient in the Indian garment export sector, where inequalities are so drastic that some workers have reported a month’s wages could not purchase a garment they created. Even so, the garment factor has proven vital to India’s economic growth. While research on living wages has grown in the United Kingdom, United States, and New Zealand, developing countries are drastically under researched. GLOW researcher Dr. Bimal Arora has proposed a study to examine the perspectives on living wages and the capabilities for them in this sector.  Continue reading Can a Living Wage Improve Production?

How to Raise Wages Without Increasing Unemployment

Authored by Anna Kallschmidt

The opposition to increase wages to be “livable” is actually not always heartless. While it may be shocking that some disagree that paying people well enough to afford basic needs (such as healthcare), a major concern that many opposers have is that increasing wages will make employees so unaffordable that they will actually lose their jobs.

When employers have to pay their employees more, they are concerned they will lose profit. This perception has had a devastating impact on low-wage workers; for example, when Wendy’s increased their minimum wage, they also eliminated 31 hours of labor per location every week.

Fortunately, GLOW researcher Dr. Molefe Maleka discovered there is a benefit to employers for retaining employees who are paid a livable wage.  Continue reading How to Raise Wages Without Increasing Unemployment

Living wage policy resources

Resources from the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology

What is it

Authored by Mendiola T. Calleja, Ateneo de Manila University

Impact For Individuals

Authored by Rosalind Searle, University of Glasgow &
Ishbel McWha-Hermann, University of Edinburgh

A Checklist for Managers

Authored by Andrea Werner: Middlesex University London

The Importance of Supply Chains

Authored by Divya Jyoti & Bimal Arora, Aston University